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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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Diocese of Northampton

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust is situated in the Diocese of Northampton.

Visit the Diocese of Northampton Website for further information about its work in Education and Schools 

'Key to the life of the Church is the ability to communicate. Our mission is to spread by word and example the Good News of Jesus Christ for which he died and rose to new life.

Like anything alive, our Diocese is growing and changing. Many people from other countries and cultures are becoming very much part of the life of our region and of our parishes and schools. 

The Diocese is involved in many different areas of life. Not just in parishes, but in schools, through to hospitals and prisons; working with people with disabilities, and with the young and the old; promoting the value of family and of marriage; caring for the poor, the homeless and those who live at the margins of society; handing on our Catholic Faith to each generation and reaching out to our society so much in need of the Truth and Love of Christ’.

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL