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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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Diocesan School's Mass - 11th October 2019

On Friday 11th October 2019, four mini buses left the Northampton Catholic Schools with 60 very excited children and young people. The destination was Dunstable and the occasion was the Diocesan School’s Mass at St Mary’s Church with over 700 children, Headteachers and staff from the other 53 schools in Northampton. Bishop Peter was celebrating the Mass, assisted by priests from all around the diocese.  

The children from St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust (STCCAT) sat together in Mass, fully participating in the prayers and singing of the Mass. Their behaviour was excellent throughout.

Four students from Thomas Becket brought up the gifts of bread and wine to the Bishop at the Offertory, they did this with reverence and grace.

At the end of Mass, Fr Wayne from Missio was presented with a cheque for over £12,000 from the 53 Northampton Diocesan Schools present at the Mass. The donation was raised in accordance with Pope Francis' wishes for us all to act and observe October as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. In early October, all four schools in the Trust each marched a mile for Missio and asked for your donations in return. We're very pleased to have been able to contribute towards this fantastic donation total, thank you all for your generosity.

The banners from St Gregory’s, The Good Shepherd, St Mary’s and Thomas Becket were carried with pride by two pupils from each school, in a colourful banner procession with all of the schools at the end of the Mass.

After Mass, the children and young people joined together for a picnic style lunch with children from around the Diocese, before setting off back to school just in time for the last lesson of the day.

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL