Government Announcement - School Closure
The Government has taken the decision to close schools from 3.15pm on Friday 20th March 2020 to all but vulnerable pupils and those of key workers.
Now that we have had confirmation from the government about their plan for schools, we will be moving to an online format to continue our learning provision for the children.
You should by now have your online log in details for PurpleMash. This is our online learning platform where children can access work set by class teachers and submit completed tasks. There will be suggested home learning timetables available on the school website by the end of tomorrow. All children will be taking home a learning pack today. If your child is absent from school you can collect their pack from the school office tomorrow between 10.00am and 11.00am.
I want to be very clear that during this time we will not lower our expectations for our children. We know they are hungry to learn and we will match their curiosity and passion with work-from-home materials.
From Monday 23rd March all our media and parental communication will be via ParentMail email or text message so please ensure we have your up to date contact details if they have changed recently. We will also ensure that all communications are made available to you on our school website,
If you need to contact the school for any reason during this period of time then please do so via e-mail at
We are waiting for further guidance and clarification regarding the list of jobs that the Government is classing as key workers. In advance of this, we ask that if you believe you are a key worker to contact the office via email or Please state your child/ren’s name(s), class, your name, job title and employer, as well as your partners name, job title and employer so that we can collate this information to help our planning process. Please can you do this by 4pm today.
From what we know so far, if only one parent is a key worker, the government will expect the other parent to have their child at home. Single parents who are key workers will obviously be entitled to access the provision.
If you are in receipt of free school meals, we will be writing to you with further details about this shortly.
These are difficult and unprecedented times and I have been grateful for the support which the team here at The Good Shepherd have received from you. We will endeavour to do our best to keep you and your children updated during the closure period and to minimise as much as we can any disruption to your child’s learning journey.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs C Dodds
Head Teacher