The policy below is for the children in the Good Shepherd Catholic Primary school to use when they are using the internet in school.
E-safety is a key part of your child’s education and their online safety is paramount and teachers , parents and children all need to be aware of the dangers that are online. Please can you read the policy with your child.
Acceptable Use Policy
Our Charter of Online Behaviour
Note: All Internet and email activity is subject to monitoring
- I will – only use the school ICT for schoolwork that the teacher has asked me to do.
- I will – avoid looking for, or showing other people, things that may be upsetting.
- I will – show respect for the work that other people have done.
- I will – only use other people’s work or pictures if I have permission to do so.
- I will – treat the ICT equipment carefully and respectfully; if I accidentally damage something I will tell my teacher.
- I will – only use my username to log on.
- I will – keep my personal information private and not share it online with anyone.
- I will – not download anything from the Internet unless my teacher has asked me to.
- I will – let my teacher know if anybody asks me for personal information.
- I will – let my teacher know if anybody says or does anything to me that is hurtful or upsets me.
- I will – be respectful to everybody online; I will treat everybody the way that I want to be treated.
- I will – practise online safety at all times, and will inform an adult if I see or hear anything upsetting online.
- I understand – that some people on the Internet are not who they say they are, and some people can be nasty. I will tell my teacher if I am ever concerned in school, or tell my parents if I am at home.
- I understand – that these rules are important for my safety and that I will only be allowed Internet access if I follow these.
Useful links for Online Safety
Online Safety, also known as E-Safety, is a vital part of education for your child. As uses of technology and the internet increase, keeping your child safe online is more important than ever. Here are some links which will give you and your child more information about how to enjoy the internet safely.
For pupils
- THINKUKNOW (CEOP Videos suitable for KS1 – KS4 and for parents)
- SWGfL (KS2 – KS4 resources)
For parents/carers
- Simon Aston
- SAFER INTERNET (for Parents)
- SAFER INTERNET Parental Controls
- SAFER INTERNET – A Parent’s Guide to Technology
- HGfL E-Safety Guide For Parents
- KNOWITALL (Resources for Parents)
- CHILDNET’s Guide to Online Gaming
Online communication
Whilst we have our Microsoft Teams platform, this is used for educational purposes only. Children are expected to only communicate on this platform in the unlikely event of a school closure e.g. snow day. During this limited time, the only communication will take part between the teacher and class peers.
Microsoft Teams
Please click the link HERE to view guidance for parents and carers in regards to Microsoft Teams