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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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The Schoolwear Shop to re-open – Monday 21st September 2020

With the extremely busy period now over we are pleased to announce that we are able to re-open the shop.

As a direct result of the pandemic we had no choice but to process the many thousands of orders in the short ‘Back to School’ period online. As you were advised, this was the only way we could fully comply with Government safety regulations for this huge volume of orders in the time available.

Please be aware that the Government regulations will still mean our changing rooms have to stay closed, social distancing and the wearing of face masks will be necessary, as will the quarantining for 72 hours of any garments that are handled by customers which are not then purchased.

We look forward to welcoming our valued customers back into the store.

Yours sincerely

Sally Dowzell

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL