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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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Catholic Life

Mission Statement

“Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.”


Our Vision

At The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School we provide a welcoming and caring environment in which every child is able to be happy, confident and supported in discovering their individual talents and strengths.

We believe that all teaching in our school must reflect our Catholic faith, where the Catholic faith is not only taught but nurtured and reflected in the daily life of the school.

We believe that the school in partnership with parents, priests and parish community should provide children with: 

  • A secure grounding in the Catholic tradition.
  • A fulfilment of their academic potential.     


At The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School:

  •  We believe that everyone is a child of God.
  •  We place prayer, in its various forms, at the heart of the life of the school community.

The aims of our school are:

  • To provide a safe, caring and happy environment, where everyone is nurtured and respected.
  • To develop a learning philosophy that will enable our pupils to experience “the beginning of a great educational adventure” with us and continue the journey through lifelong learning.
  • To promote mutual respect and positive relationships so that children and adults within the school develop spiritually, morally, culturally and socially.
  • To create a mutually supporting community which engages governors, staff, parents and pupils in self-evaluation to improve our own performance and that of our colleagues.
  • To promote effective and supportive links between the school and home, parish and the wider community.

Take a look at the 'Chaplaincy' and 'Worship' tabs to find out more about Catholic life at The Good Shepherd.

“I am the vine; you are the branches." John 1:15





The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL