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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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At the Good Shepherd Catholic Primary school, we follow the Cornerstones Curriculum which is a creative and thematic approach to learning. It has been mapped to the 2014 National Curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of the national expectations. Our curriculum is delivered through Imaginative Learning Projects (ILPs) which provide a rich menu of exciting and motivation leaning activities that make creative links between all aspects of our children’s learning. 

Our curriculum is taught through a pedagogy that: 

*Excites, promotes and sustains children’s interests 

*Promotes problem-solving, creativity and communication 

*Enables and fosters children’s natural curiosity. 

*Offers all children a memorable experience 

*Enables children to reflect on and evaluate their learning and actively encourages and welcomes parents to take part in children’s learning experiences. 


Every Year, children complete up to six ILP and progress through four distinct stages of learning in each ILP- Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express.  



The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL