Pastoral Care/Family Support Worker
We aim to provide a caring environment to assist the total development of our pupils. This requires a close and open partnership between home and school.
On occasions, it may be necessary for teachers to discuss their concerns with a child's parents, and conversely it would be helpful if parents informed the school of events at home which may be causing anxiety or may alter the pupil's behaviour in school.
Bereavement, a new baby or a family upset can cause your child to behave differently just as a falling out with a friend or a worry about schoolwork can cause problems at home.
Home-school communication and partnership is essential.
Family Support
Our school has a Family Support Worker whose role is to help ensure that all children and their families have the necessary support to help the children to achieve their potential at school and within the community. This includes monitoring attendance, working with parents and working alongside the school chaplain to provide pastoral support.
The Family Support Worker provides a welcoming environment for children and families, having particular regard for those who do not engage with schools. She can be contacted through the school.
Our Family Support Worker is
Mrs Una Auburn
Family Support can offer:
- Parenting support
- A community link for the school
- Health and wellbeing
- Adult & Children Education Programmes
- Transition support
- After school clubs and activities
- Holiday Clubs
- A listening ear
- Provides a link to family information services
- Attendance issues
- Food bank
- Appointments with the School Nurse
- Help with budgeting/benefits
- Access point to targeted services
- A link to children centre services
- EHA (Early Help Assessment, formerly CAF). Working together to help your child/children receive the right support
- FSM bookings
- Ordering school uniforms
- Signpost to other services available
Some useful contacts:
(Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) - If you have concerns about a child’s welfare – 0300 126 1000
Advice & Information for Parents—0808 802 0925
0808 801 0366
01604 315606
Click HERE to view the Northampton Free Local Service Guide.