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The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, The Good Shepherd, in all we say and do.

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All children must wear our agreed school uniform. We value your support in maintaining a high standard of dress.

Uniform is an important part of a school’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and encourages students to take pride in their school. It also ensures students are not put under any pressure because of the type of clothes they wear and all are treated equally.

We do ask, if possible that you purchase the Sweatshirts, Polo shirts, PE shirts and Book bags from The Schoolwear Shop in town as they have the school badge embroidered on them. All other items of school uniform can be purchased in local stores and supermarkets.

Uniform is purchased online or in store from Stevensons.

Visit them at the following address:

40 - 42 Abington Square,

You can call them on 01604 635828.

To purchase uniform online,  will need to register with them by going to the website:


Winter Uniform:

Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt embroidered with school badge

Royal blue cardigan embroidered with school badge

School tie - royal blue and white stripe

White shirt

Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers

Grey black or navy tights

Black or grey socks

Sensible school shoes – no trainers (black or navy)

EYFS & KS1 - blue book bag with school logo (or plain blue) & plain drawstring bag for PE with school logo or plain

KS2 – blue/black drawstring bag (with or without school logo) & blue/black drawstring bag (with or without school logo) for PE

Small stud earrings are allowed


Optional Summer Uniform:

Pale blue/white/ striped or checked cotton summer dress

White socks

Black, white, navy or blue closed toe sandals

Small stud earrings are allowed


Winter Uniform:

Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt embroidered with school badge

School tie - royal blue and white stripe

White shirt

Grey trousers

Black or grey socks

Sensible school shoes – no trainers (black or navy)

EYFS & KS1 - blue book bag with school logo (or plain blue) & plain drawstring bag for PE with school logo or plain

KS2 – blue/black drawstring bag (with or without school logo) & blue/black drawstring bag (with or without school logo) for PE


Optional Summer Uniform:

Grey shorts

Black/grey socks

Closed toe sandals (black/navy)



P.E Kit – Girls and Boys  



Light blue polo or round-neck t-shirt - plain or with the school logo  

Black or navy plain jogging bottoms/leggings   

Navy jumper - plain (no prints or hoodies)   

Trainers or black plimsolls 



Light blue polo or round-neck t-shirt – plain or with the school logo  

Black or navy plain sport shorts 

Trainers or black plimsolls 

Please ensure that all uniform is labelled clearly.


If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium, please contact the Family Support Mrs Auburn as we may be able to help with some of your uniform costs.

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Kingsland Gardens, Northampton, NN2 7BH

Telephone: 01604 714399

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL